
Bring your inside out...

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Location: Pune, Bangalore, India

I like doing things in new ways... music... touring... swimming... teaching...mathematics...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Waste of Time!

How do you define wastage of time?

If you say, using your time in non-useful tasks, I'd ask you to define usefulness! So, currenly what am I doing? Will you classify it in the 'waste' category? For that matter, what are you doing right now?!! Is this not wasting your time?

Each task we do (or gets assigned to us) has some associated priority. We are expected to take up the tasks in the order of their priorities. If we don't, we hear these words "Why are you wasting your time? Man, do some useful work...".

To be precise, if I come to the office on Saturdays and Sundays and play 'Age of Kings' or strum my guitar (I have one on my desk, without anybody's objection, so far!) that's waste of time. Contrarily, I don't come to office at all on weekends, people perhaps realize 'he might be having some important work at home'. Yeah! I do have and few of them are reading, cleaning my house, shopping and of course, sleeping!!

So, now you understand something about waste ot time and what else to do to avoid hearing the cliche.